Elyza Danieli, Ayurvedic Consultant
Ayurveda translates from Sanskrit as “science of life.” Ayurveda focuses on the individual as a whole and sees the interaction between body, mind, and emotions as interconnected. It regards mind-body-emotion as energy transformation that starts in the digestive process through to generating healthy body tissues all the way to physical, intellectual, and emotional energy.
The Ayurvedic consultation, which usually is approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour, addresses the three pillars: diet, lifestyle, and herbal medicine to eliminate the disorder. The herbal medicine is prescribed individually and can be ordered and be delivered worldwide. The medicine comes from established, quality supplies that guarantee purity and source of origin.
The power of Ayurveda is in its combination of potent herbs - some of which are only available in the pharmacopoeia of Asia, their properties, concentration, potency and post-digestive effects have been studied and classified by the Vedic scholars, and generation of doctors and Ayurvedic pharmacists.
Elyza has been doing extensive research on the psychosomatic causes of disease, and will make sure that she will get to the root cause of disease-often energetic and toxic blockages in the body SME (known in modern Western medicine through the presence of the so-called LDL cholesterols and inflammation markers).
Elyza also enjoys the research and study of plants and herbal remedies - Asian as well as European - and has been prescribing these successfully to elderly, to athletes, and managers juggling busy careers and family life.
Ayurveda is also well-known to help with mental health issues and build the resilience of the body and mind to stress - as well as the emotional shield through a healthier body and using the mind’s faculties to the fullest.
Elyza is also passionate about advising clients on physical exercise that contributes to correct body posture as well as expands the possibilities of the breathing apparatus and body movements to address digestive, heart, and other disorders.
Expect to develop your taste buds in a healthy way. Expect reasonable discipline in the treatment and powerful herbs to act on the healing process often delivering multiple results such as quitting bad habits, and improving energy levels and well-being.